
G'day mates, this is me and my beloved husband Niels' blog where we'll share our experiences from our fantastic honeymoon. We've been together for 3 years now, and is finally married. We're SO happy for each other, and we both love animals and nature very much, so what place would be more perfect to visit than wonderfull Australia?

And since that we are homosexual, we obviously booked a hotel in Sydney, that is known for it's gayness. Sydney also hosts the big homosexual carnival, Mardi Grass, that appears as planned when we're present.... so Australia here we come!

Home sweet home

When we arrived at home Niels went straight to bed looking dead.
It was truly impossible to wake him up, no matter what i did.
But that's just one of his lovely idiosyncrasies :)

So we hope that you've enjoyed reading so far, cause there'll be more. More stories and details, maybe pictures, will come following over a week from now.
My biggest reget is that we didn't reach the notorious great barrier reaf cause of Niels' suffer from hydrophobia :( 
But next time I'll just leave him at the hotel or something....

Good on ya!

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