
G'day mates, this is me and my beloved husband Niels' blog where we'll share our experiences from our fantastic honeymoon. We've been together for 3 years now, and is finally married. We're SO happy for each other, and we both love animals and nature very much, so what place would be more perfect to visit than wonderfull Australia?

And since that we are homosexual, we obviously booked a hotel in Sydney, that is known for it's gayness. Sydney also hosts the big homosexual carnival, Mardi Grass, that appears as planned when we're present.... so Australia here we come!

Ayers rock (Uluru)

We've just started our day with some Australian breakfast in the jacuzzi, that's how it shall be
Niels have no choice but to follow me to The big red kangaroo rock, Ayers rock (Uluru) The typical place for a tourist. And I'm not leaving the area around it before I've seen a kangaroo. So we've packed some food, liquid, some beers for me and sodastream for Niels, cause I've established that Niels' stomach can't tolerate all the beer.

Niels is just started packing our 4-wheeler, while I'm slacking in front of my laptop. But i probably have to prepare my self and help my pleasurable husband. I look forward to tell you what takes place out there with the kangaroos. seeya!

Here I am (Alexander) in front of the laptop.
My hair looks great, dosn't it?

                                                                        Back from Uluru
 The most insane thing happened to us, mainly to Niels. My wish came true, I saw my kangaroo, and it was close I tell ya. We'd just finished eating and I saw something moving in the distance. I had Niels to hand me the binoculars, it was a little hard to see what the fuck it should imagine, but the closer it got it revealed itself as a red kangaroo. I got overwhelmed with excitement, and Niels too.

From distance

Allthough I love animals I don't feel like touching it, I think wild animals can be quite disgusting sometimes, you'll never know where they've been.
So I begged Niels to go and try to touch it, and cause he's so fantastic, he did it for me!

Niels the brave, love him and love the picture

                 It really seemed to enjoy it, but suddenly it stepped back in some kind of defence mode.

really looks grumpy if you ask me

And neither me or Niels attained to respond before it just charged Niels and kicked him in his stomach!

Niels vs. Macropus Rufus

We had nooo idea that this sweet looking animal could turn into a kickboxing monster, we were shocked!
Our intentions was far away to treathen or hurting it, we arren't that kinda people. Anyway's Niels took it like a gay and startet laughing, after we'd checked that he was allright (:
Probably the most odd and crazy thing that has ever happened to me, and Niels says the same.
Besides our little meeting with the kangaroo, we did some walking around the enormous stone. Really beautiful area around it too.
And it's actually much bigger than you think when you see in on pictures and such, try to look....
From here it dosn't look that high, but when you get closer

tremendous rock, try to look at the car below

nice and desertly

So it delights me to tell you that it's been another perfect day. And I'm sure that the kangaroo had fun too :D cause we had....

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